The Farmer-Grazier Conflict is a perennial challenge in most African Communities, especially in sub-saharan African countries. In most sub-Saharan African countries, the farmers and graziers cohabit side by side and there’s no clear and distinct boundary between farmland and grazing land. This is the case in Mpundu-Balong village. A land that was used for grazing this year can be used the previous year for farming and vice-versa. This situation facilitates conflict between the farmers and graziers on a perennial basis. The case of Mpundu-Balong village is an intriguing one and thus the essence and raison d’etre of this article. This study has as its main objective to examine the Farmer-Grazier Conflict in Mpundo-Balong village in Muyuka Sub-Division. The attainment of this objective was guided by the empirical and the doctrinal research method. The internet was a principal source of data and this was accompanied by first hand information and interviews of some key informants. Our findings reveal that, the measures put in place to prevent farmer-grazier conflicts in Mpundo-Balong village are insufficient. We therefore recommend that a clear cut distinction should be made between grazing land and farm lands.
The Farmer-Grazier Conflict: The Case Study of Mpundo-Balong Village in Muyuka Sub-Division
Publication Information
Journal Title: Journal of Alternate Dispute Resolution
Author(s): Tambe Thomas Tabot
Published On: 26/06/2023
Volume: 2
First Page: 38
Last Page: 47
ISSN: 2583-682X
Publisher: The Law Brigade Publisher
DOI Not Allotted [Get DOI]
Cite this Article
Tambe Thomas Tabot, The Farmer-Grazier Conflict: The Case Study of Mpundo-Balong Village in Muyuka Sub-Division, Volume 2 Issue 2, Journal of Alternate Dispute Resolution, pp 38-47, Published on 26/06/2023, Available at
Keywords: Farmer-Grazier, Conflict, Mpundo-Balong village.
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